Urogynecology Arts of New Jersey
PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS 620 Cranbury Road, Suite 219
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Phone: 732.651.0005
Fax. 732.651.0053
  • Please obtain and provide UANJ with any referrals or authorizations required by your insurance. These forms must be validated prior to your visit with the health care providers at UANJ.
  • Please arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to facilitate the registration process.
  • Please bring any prior documents that may facilitate the quality of your care. They include: operative reports from previous surgeries; pathology reports; urodynamic test results; pelvic ultrasounds reports etc.
  • Please review our Billing & Insurance Policies prior to your visit.
  • There are no specific preparations for a urodynamic test.
  • This test is relatively simple with minimal patient discomfort.
  • Since there is no ‘cutting’ or use of anesthetics, you can resume all of your normal activities immediately.
  • You may be given an antibiotic to prevent a bladder infection. Follow the instructions given to you by the health care providers at UANJ.
  • If you develop a fever, experience pain with urinating or see blood in your urine with 24-48 hours of the test, please call our office or answering service immediately.


NOTE: Prior to surgery, at your pre-operative office visit, you will be given a document containing written information and instructions pertaining to the specific procedure(s) you are to undergo.


  • The following medications should be discontinued 1 week prior to your procedure: aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (i.e. Motrin, Aleve, Celebrex, etc.), Plavix, vitamin E in any formulation, and any alternative supplements containing Ginseng or Ginkoba, or Garlic.
  • Note: Coumadin should be discontinued 3 days prior to your procedure.
  • Please stop all your medications the night before the procedure unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Mokrzycki.
  • Please do not eat or drink anything after midnight before the procedure.
  • To avoid constipation, it is recommended that you prepare your bowels by eating lighter meals and drinking 1 glass of prune juice per day beginning 3 days prior to your procedure.
  • You may want to consider starting Miralax® at this time. Miralax® can be purchased over the counter at any local drugstore or pharmacy.
What to expect in the 1st 7 days:
  • It is very common to experience discomfort in the region of you groin that may even travel down one or both legs. Some patient’s have described it as a feeling that they have ‘just done a split’ or ‘ridden a horse’. This is due to the unique positioning you are placed in during the surgery. It will resolve within a few days or at worst, a few weeks.
  • Vaginal bleeding is normal and may last up to a week; it should get lighter every day.
  • Bladder urgency, frequency and urine loss are normal for the first 2 weeks, but pain with urinating and/or cloudy urine is usually a sign of an infection—contact Dr. Mokrzycki.
  • Discomfort in the vaginal area and in the buttock area is normal - try to use extra strength Tylenol or any other over the counter pain medication you may have to manage the discomfort. If these to not help, Dr. Mokrzycki will be happy to prescribe a stronger pain medication but remember, these may cause constipation.
  • Many patients described feeling ‘wiped out’ for a few days due to the excitement of the hospital experience. Be patient with yourself, eat well balanced meals, and get plenty of rest!
  • Do not lift anything heavier than the weight of a gallon of milk for 6 weeks or as directed by Dr. Mokrzycki.
  • You may shower immediately but do not sit in a bathtub for 1 week.
  • Dr. Mokrzycki recommends that you obtain a ‘sitting donut’ from any pharmacy or health care store. This will take pressure off the operative area and make you more comfortable.
  • Resume all of your normal medications unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Mokrzycki.
  • Do whatever it takes to avoid constipation - Dr. Mokrzycki recommends a glass of prune juice day until you are experiencing normal bowel movements.
  • You may drive, go up stairs, and go outside if you feel up to it, there is no magic moment post-operatively when these activities can be resumed. Dr. Mokrzycki recommends that you ‘listen to you body’ for clues that you may be overdoing it. Do not drive a car if on prescription pain medication.
  • You may start light exercising immediately (i.e. walking, light arms weights etc) but avoid strenuous activity (i.e. jumping, running, sit-ups, squat thrusts) for at least 6 weeks.
  • Avoid vaginal intercourse for 6 weeks unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Mokrzycki.
  • Return to work is very subjective depending on the exact procedure, the post-operative course and the nature of a woman’s employment. These will be taken on a case to case basis with Dr. Mokrzycki.
What to look out for:

If you experience any of the following within the first 24-48 hours please call our office or answering service immediately:
  • Fever greater than 101° F
  • Generalized chills
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Heavy bleeding at the operative site